Homeschool Schedule or Homeschool Routine

#Homeschool | When you plan for your homeschool day do you write out a schedule or do you focus on creating a routine? Which is better? What will make you a more effective homeschooler? Well, I have the answer.   You need to start with a schedule. Want to see an example of a homeschool schedule? IRead more
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How to Discover Your Homeschool Teaching Style
#Homeschool |   Ok, so I might have really started something with my post about how I don’t care if my kids like our homeschool curriculum. Did you catch that one? If not, you can read it here. Then come right back and I’ll tell you a little more about what I care about instead. I careRead more

How to have a solo spiritual retreat in your own home
#Own | How to have a solo spiritual retreat in your own home Retreats are wonderful things, but they’re not always affordable. The change in space alone is powerful magick.  However, you can totally have …

Can You Restart Your Homeschool Curriculum
#Homeschool |   Do you know what one of the most wonderful aspects of homeschooling is? Being able to learn at the pace of your child. It’s so wonderful to be able to accelerate learning and watch your child thrive. But sometimes your child is not doing well. You child is struggling and falling behind.   WhatRead more

Cheers to Holidays at Home with DIY Drinks
#Holidays | Box Insider


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